“Launch Seed Grant” Request for Applications (RFA)
The Launch Seed Grant mechanism is open to all UIC faculty, and seeks to fund projects focused on finding new drug-like small molecules, which can comprise robust assay development, high throughput screening (HTS), and/or hit-to-lead medicinal chemistry projects. Proposed target validation studies using synthetic chemical probes are also considered receptive to this RFA.
Funding via this mechanism can range from $10K- $50K for one year. Successful applications will present not only compelling preliminary data, but also provide a credible plan towards a specific milestone, that if achieved would position the project to receive external funding.
Applications for the UICentre Launch Seed Grant Program must be submitted via the link below. The proposal body must be uploaded as a single PDF file, consisting of three parts (A-C):
A. Application Narrative (three pages max, 0.5 inch margin, 10 pt) which includes the following
- Names, affiliations, e-mails of PI and Co-Is (roles specified).
- Clinician collaborators that may be involved at present or in the future if identified.
- Title of Invention Disclosure, if any, and name of OTM technology manager.
- Brief description and medical significance of the biological target/pathway.
- Description of the current biochemical or cell-based assay, that would be adapted for HTS, or guide hit-to-lead optimization.
- Molecular structures of any small molecule hits identified to date, if any, and proposed experimental approach to optimize them.
- Description of the planned animal model to establish proof of concept, including IACUC protocol number (if available).
- Novelty in target/indication/assay (advantage over competition).
- Identification of a specific milestone that would mark success for the funded project. Describe how achievement of the milestone would position the PI/team to win external funding and achieve a larger translational goal.
- Budget Justification: The budget should fund project activity for up to one year, and specify major areas of expenditure (personnel, materials and supplies, services, etc). No PI/Co-I effort or travel can be budgeted; trainee or research staff salaries can comprise no more than 25% of the requested budget. Budget inquiries may be directed to Colleen Piersen (cpiersen@uic.edu).
B. References cited (in support of A above; no page limit).
C. NIH Biosketches of the PI and any named Co-Is.
After the submission deadline passes, the UICentre will convene a panel of expert reviewers, including members of OTM. For those proposals receiving favorable reviews, the PI(s) may be asked to present to a subset of these reviewers, before a funding decision is made.

Apply online Heading link
Spring Semester 2025 Competition
Apply by May 15, 2025 at 5pm CDT (UTC-5)